Friday, December 2, 2011

Zach Kaufman's Globalized IKEA Section AM

View IKEA Global Commodity Chain in a larger map

Because of the huge number of labels in order to view the different pages of labels view the larger map and use the sidebar.


  1. The icon is vivid but kind of messy. Better to integrate them or draw shapes around locations.---Qiuhanzhi Qiu

  2. Hi Zach, because there are so many labels on here (must have taken you ages!) it's kind of hard to get a sense of how IKEA's supply chain works, which I suspect is the meat of your paper rather than where all the stores are. Maybe there's a different way to illustrate both the scope of IKEA's retail operations and the way its supply chain operates? Not sure what the answer might be...(Charlotte Franklin)

  3. Although I think it was a good idea to label all of the stores, mainly that it shows just how many there are, they overlap some of the labels for the offices. Maybe make the office labels another color? -Rheanna Mistry

  4. Hi,Zach, there are so many labels on the map and it is hard for me to get the sense of how Ikea really operates around the world. I think you can summary the labels by countries. Overall, Good Job

  5. The title is misleading. The icons on the map just looks like all the locations of Ikeas, not where the production is happening, unless the production happens at the stores themselves? Your map clearly shows how extensive Ikea's global reach is, but like others have said before, the amount can be a bit overwhelming for such a small map. - John Vu

  6. I would choose different symbols because I have a difficult time finding where the offices are. Perhaps different colored dots would do the job.

    -Amelia Skifstad
